sabato, Gennaio 18, 2025


Must read

La 15esima edizione dell’International Congress of the French Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (AFTES) si terrà a Parigi dal 13 al 16 novembre.

Due le location: il Palazzo dei Congressi (Porte Maillot) dal 13 al 15 novembre e la Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine (Trocadéro) il 16 novembre. La cerimonia d’apertura è prevista per le ore 10.00 con i discorsi di molteplici personalità.


Le conferenze al Palazzo dei Congressi:

Di seguito il ricco programma di conferenze.



An overview of the mega-projects that will constitute tomorrow’s wealth:

  • Lunedì 13 novembre (Paris Room):

13.40-15.30 The new Grand Paris: ambitious designs

16.00-17.30: CIGEO project: a review of the design of an exceptional project

  • Martedì 14 novembre (Paris Room):

9.00-10.30: The new Grand Paris: an area of technical innovations

11.00 -12.30: Lyon-Turin: feedback on the initial work and new issues


Developing the underground, a wealth to be won and promoted:

  • Martedì 14 novembre (Paris Room):

13.30-16.00: New generations of underground spaces



Optimising projects and developing the wealth of tomorrow:

  • Lunedì 13 novembre (Passy Room):

13.40-15.30: Design: adapting to the challenges of underground construction

16.00-17.30: The design of tunnels beyond our borders

  • Mercoledì 15 novembre (Paris Room):

13.30-15.00: Control of risks in underground work: feedback, new contractual procedures

15.30-17.00: Design: innovative approaches


Capitalising on the wealth of past experience and innovating:

  • Martedì 14 novembre (Passy Room):

9.00–10.30: Prefabricated tunnel linings: research and development

11.00-12.30: Tunnels in an urban environment: controlling impacts

  • Mercoledì 15 novembre (Passy Room):

8.00-11.00: Feedback about very deep underground projects

13.30-15.00: Tunnel boring machines: developments, innovations

15.30-17.00: Hong Kong: a place to venture for French companies



Winning, preserving and enhancing the wealth of underground spaces:

  • Martedì 14 novembre (Passy Room):

13.30-16.00:    Problems in operating transport tunnels

  • Mercoledì 15 novembre (Passy Room):

13.30-16.00:    Preserving underground assets: feedback


Le conferenze alla Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine



“Building The Future”

9.30-12.45 – Morning topic: From the underground architectural object to above and below ground urban planning

14.15-18.30 – Afternoon topic: urban strategies, a comparison between Grand Paris and Singapore


Da segnalare anche la tavola rotonda istituzioinale prevista alle ore 16.45 e la presentazione di Dominique Perrault prevista alle 17.45.

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